We welcome car clubs and groups to hold formal Events at Adelaide Hills 4WD Park.
Event packages are available to assist clubs and groups in hosting events.
Event Package inclusions:
Car clubs pay a one-day event fee for all attending members. (Clubs may choose to split this fee and charge to attending members at cost or charge a higher rate, retaining the difference as a fundraiser for the club)
Dedicated car club website page on
Host a sausage sizzle that will be available to all park guests on the day and retain all profits
Meet up days are advertised on Adelaide Hills 4WD Park Website and Social Media Pages
Ability to market car club memberships to park visitors - marketing, membership sign up marquees etc
Access to a 4WD Instructor who will attend a car club event to host a professional talk/presentation (one event)
8 Hour event access
Access to market to our database of customers resulting in increased exposure to your event and car club/group.
Ability to generate additional profit to be invested back into the car club / group
Ability to market car club membership to the general public at the event
Access to industry professionals to assist in developing knowledge of car club members
Host a professional event supported by the Adelaide Hills 4WD Park staff